Affirm Positive Link Conditioner - 32 oz.
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Vendor: Affirm
SKU: 51325
$84.99 $79.95

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For Professional Use: This product is intended for use by trained professionals who understand its associated risks and are qualified to handle it within a professional setting. Please note that we cannot guarantee the shelf life of this product beyond 3 months from the purchase date, as it is designed for timely use to ensure optimal performance.

Affirm Positive Link Conditioner - 32 oz.

Affirm Positive Link Conditioner is a post chemical pH normalizer that restores hair to its proper pH of 4.5-5.5 after relaxer application. (NOTE: After relaxer is rinsed, the hair is still alkaline (pH 10) and cuticles remain partially open. There by allowing the most effective penetration of micro and macro-conditioners). Positive Link Conditioner is for use on Medium to Coarse hair. It's also recommended as a deep penetrating moisturizing conditioner for regular salon conditioner services.


  1. Thoroughly rinse creme relaxer from hair and apply Positive Link.
  2. Affirm Positive Link Conditioner (for Medium to Coarse hair) is applied immediately after Affirm Creme Relaxer is rinsed from hair.
  3. Leave on 5 minutes and rinse
  4. Proceed to shampoo with Affirm Normalizing Shampoo.

Features & Benefits:

  • Restores hair to its proper pH state
  • Re-aligns, firms and seals cuticles to enhance shine
  • Detangles, moisturizes and softens hair
  • Prevents alkali and oxidation damage
  • Adds luxurious softness and body to hair


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