Vitale Pro Tender Headed Relaxer 16 oz. - For Fine To Medium Textured Hair
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Vendor: Vitale Pro
SKU: VP-THR-16oz
$20.00 $13.99

The gentle alternative for a sensitive scalp, Tender Headed has a lithium hydroxide base. The low molecular weight and lower pH of lithium hydroxide offer a high-speed penetration. Added Aloe Vera and African Shea Butter reduce hair damage and minimize scalp irritation while generating soft, bouncy hair with a radiant sheen. It retains some natural texture and works best with fine- to medium-textured hair of normal porosity.

How To Use: Set timer according to timing guide. Wear gloves and apply ample amount of Tender Headed Relaxer to new growth/virgin hair starting from nape area towards forehead parting in thin sections. When application is finished, gently smooth hair to achieve desired straightening. When processing is complete, rinse hair thoroughly with warm water and towel blot.

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